one day


from one day, we would dance on the same stage
clapping and sliding our shoes
making a crap/shooting a craps
display the shoulders; and the step of the tap

i slip in your arm and pass
you lead me
you lift me
you throw me

our stage which began at that time was always connected to the darkness in light of the morning
the dance that seems to be a daydream under the sun glaring down of the midsummer

but the stage gradually flares up intensely calmly first
do not have to watch the spectator
do not need to speak
do not have to cry

if i bend in body, you catch my waist
repeating it a taboo
if i do it once again
wait for the time

you become my moon, and i become your sun in the other side
there is the place where the light does not arrive
we trip to the gloomy world

i become your God, and you become my Evil
it is the expression that is the extremes
we stand still to be opposed and investigate each other's hearts

i become your witch, and you become my savior
do not have the weapon
with eyes to bandy
play by the power that we cannot watch

i become your virgin, and you become my master
the moon shines like a specter
to the world of the backside
it is provoked to be transmitted through the rope

and pass while dancing over the rope; and...
even if the rope cuts suddenly...
we demand the backside of the moon with having joined by a hand and will wander

yes...we have the magic...

no matter what happens
we have a stage
with the magic...

 ~..* Risa's *¨/ "one day" in 2008~



AND...this is my diary...

my song which i recorded for actors of drama is very good taste.
the play is performed next month at 'Inogashira Park' in Tokyo.
their name is "Yasen no Tsuki".

by the way, today...
the sudden obituary of Kazuhiko Kato was sad...ah, it's so sad thing for me.
i loved his sound of creativity and chic, also appreciated his works much as until now.
