
15:00...13th October...2013......

in the afternoon the temple bell fades but the sound keeps softly, like find an echo in your heart in the atmosphere around a table of family flowers holding peaceful memories along the way of life in the evening like a bright light guide …


…私の靴は、かつてあの淡いピンクの薔薇が咲く母の庭を歩いていた。 薔薇の下には撫子が咲き、小さな蟻たちが歩き、私は彼らを眺めながら、彼らに問う…生きているあなたたちは何を思う? "蟻とキリギリス"の話のせいだろう…彼ら蟻たちにそれを訊かなければな…

Alice in Wnderland...

people who lives really beautifully are disciplined by themselves in this blue planet. i have just studied. surely and quietly, i hope i am. this is only my whispering, so, please, don't wake me, don't shake me...where i am in my dream. Ri…

Yugao... / 5th October...

it was a night, but the nightmare with its nostalgia after that, it disappeared in the dream without suffering only to leave a beautiful creature within my mind Risa Sakurai© :*) pic: '夕顔/Yugao' - "源氏物語/The Tale of Genji"