Rock 'n' Rollで焼く、私の餃子…


 The Moody Blues/"In Search Of The Lost Chord(1968)"、Fleetwood Mac/"Future Games(1971)"、Joe Walsh/"So What(1974)"を聴きながら、テンポよく巻いた、餃子たち。

 だからRock 'n' Roll…今や、長いものに巻かれていて、それを聴きながら巻くとね、餃子を巻く手も調子が出るの。

 be it sight, sound, smell of touch
 there's something inside, that we need so much
 the sight of a touch or the scent of a sound
 or the strength of an oak with roots deep in the ground
 the wonder of flowers to be covered and then to burst up
 through tarmac tox the sun again
 or to fly to the sun without burning a wing
 to lie in a meadow and hear the grass sing
 to have all these thing in your memory store
 and to use them to help us to find…


  The Moody Blues/"In Search Of The Lost Chord"

 good night sleep...
